FREE PREVIEW w/ Dan Woerheide

Do you love your work? 
Do you think it's possible?

Join me for a FREE preview of 
48 Days to the Work and Life You Love Virtual Seminar

If you've:

- considered a shift in your work

- want to find more fulfillment

- want to build your own business

- unsure of what value your skills and experience provide

Then I'd urge you to consider attending this free session to learn about the 48 Days process.

In this FREE virtual preview of the 48 Days to the Work You Love, I'm going to share exactly what this seminar is about.

If you're ready to learn how you can find or create work that's meaningful, purposeful, and profitable, and you'd like to achieve that in 48 Days then click below to join me for this preview now.


November 18th

@3:30pm Eastern, US

Presented By

Dan Woerheide

In this FREE preview we'll explain everything you need to know about our upcoming virtual 48 Days to the Work You Love Seminar.


Meet your facilitator - Dan Woerheide


Learn about Dan Miller and why he created 48 Days


Seminar participant expectations, registration details and what's included

Everyone who attends will receive 2 free gifts.

How to build a business with just 15 hours per week

A guide to creating your own Mission Statement